Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Book 23- Part 3

Part 3:
            Trust and Belief is a huge theme in Book 23. When Eurycleia tells Penelope that Odysseus has returned, it takes her a long time to believe the possibility that this might be true. Even when she goes downstairs and a sees Odysseus right in front of her, she still can't believe her own eyes. She just sits there, staring at him, in disbelief because she doesn't know if she can trust what others have told her, let alone her own heart. This part of the poem reminds me of the movie Castaway starring Tom Hanks, specifically the scene where he returns home and sees his wife but she is in so much shock and disbelief that she just cant find it in herself to go in and meet him again. She just stands outside and then leaves because she doesn't know what to believe. Everyone is telling her all sorts of things and just like Penelope, she had already told herself that her husband was dead long ago. I really wish I could find a video clip for this part of the movie, but unfortunately I couldn't because it was removed due to copy right restrictions :( But I am hoping that all or most of you guys have seen the movie and remember this part.
Guiding Questions:
1. If you were Penelope, what would you do? Would you trust that the man who killed the suitors was your husband or would you react the way Penelope reacted when she heard the news?


  1. I, personally being male, would not know how I would react since I don't remember myself ever crying in grief for 20 consecutive years. However, if I was in her place, I would probably be happy and overjoyed that the man I cried for 20 years is back. Indeed some changes may have occurred over 20 years but I would probably hold true to the marriage vows.

  2. Well, I would personally be wary. Since it’s 2010 AD and not 2010 BC, I wouldn’t think he’s a god disguised as Odysseus like Penelope does, but I would find it very strange that he would reappear after so long. After letting it sink in, I’d reassess the situation and just take a leap of faith and hope that we are still compatible with each other and that the separation hasn’t irreparably split us.

  3. Trust is a huge part of this book and also a huge factor in real life. I think Penelope’s reaction was perfect. For twenty years she has been waiting for her husband and through out those twenty years her lack of trust was increasing. She trusted the g-d’s in bringing Odysseus home but yet they did not, well for a long time they did not. She lost trust through the suitors because they did not respect her on bit. She did not want to trust another person because again her trust could have failed. By asking Odysseus these questions she was regaining back her trust and finally in the end she knew it was her husband. If I were in her shoes I would have acted the same way. Today it is hard to trust random people because the world is a messed up place. Back then trusting a person was a lot easier so Penelope not being able to trust anyone said a lot about what occurred in her life.

  4. I think this a hard question to answer because while I was reading it all I wanted to do was yell at her for being so wary about greeting her husband. I was amazed that she was second guessing the fact that Odysseus had actually come home. I think, though, that if I were Penelope, I would be so excited and over joyed that the person in front of me was Odysseus that I would not be able to think clearly. I think that my body would act on its own and run towards my long lost husband and give him the welcoming he deserves. But I am also saying this without experience in an area that is remotely like this one. I do not blame her for being so apprehensive about his arrival. There is a huge possibility that I would over think the situation and be afraid to get my hopes up, just incase the person I see is not actually my husband.

  5. After twenty years of waiting for someone to return I would be skeptical and I would want to be sure that the person is who they claim to be. Testing the person helps you reassure yourself and begin to trust the person again. If you waited faithfully for twenty years you could wait a little bit longer to make sure the person who claims to be your spouse is who they say they are, so that you can pick up right where you left off.
